Wilson's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Emma's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

13 September 2010

Just a little taste. . .

Until I have time to upload my pics, a few from my dad. . .

We're so proud!

10 September 2010


My precious baby girl is now a full year old. Where has time gone?? We love you so much Emma and are so thankful for all the ways you have blessed our life in the past year and look forward to all the fun ahead!!

Now let's party!!

09 September 2010

365 days ago. . .

. . . I showed Grammy and Oscar how daddy wanted the family room painted and took off to Home Depot. I don't remember what I needed there, but I remember walking around the store having contractions. I also remember what I was wearing - my black shirt & khaki pants/capris. I had to go by the local hardware store too to pick up, or was it drop off, a window to get fixed. The woman asked me if I planned to breastfeed and was the first to inform me that you get HOT when you are nursing. I kept having contractions and kept it quiet.

That afternoon, around 2, Grammy, Oscar, and I went to get GIANT roast beef sandwiches as Masliks (?). Probably not the best plan for someone in labor. I still kept quiet - daddy knew and I had texted Lisa, but I was feeling very private about the beginning of the process. (Hours later I would really regret that lunch as I saw it again. Ick.)

I finally spoke up around 4:30 when I just couldn't keep the contractions to myself anymore. About an hour later daddy was home, 30 minutes after he got home we left for the hospital, and almost 6 hours after we got to the hospital, we had you in our arms.

Your first birthday is causing a flood of memories and feelings, Emma. I laid in bed last night recalling that it was a year ago that I'd told your daddy he probably should stop working on the family room and get some sleep since I thought you might be here the next day. I was 53 minutes off.

Tonight is football opener. When we drove to the hospital, daddy guessed that if you were a girl, you'd be born Wed (9.9.9) because you'd think that was good, but if you were a boy, you'd wait until Thursday for football opener. Well, our sweet little girl, you'll watch the Vikes and the Saints tonight with daddy and, if it were me, I'd be thinking of our first football game as a family cuddled up in my hospital bed watching the Steelers take on the Cardinals (??).

08 September 2010

Gilmore Girls

Last fall you and I spent a.lot.of.time together on our couch. Pretty lazy, or healing, who knows. Anyway, one of the things we did every day was watch the Gilmore Girls. I LOVE the Gilmore Girls and I told daddy you do too, maybe it's true. I had visions of us being fast talking, cute dressing, coffee drinking gals together when you got older.

You're older and I think we're on our way!

01 September 2010

The Great MN Get Together

Admission to the Fair - $9/person
Variety of food throughout the morning - ~$30
Tickets for two on the carousel - $4
Watching Emma's face and hearing her squeals of joy as the horse moved up and down/round and round - priceless

Hayes Family!!

Lauren and I met when I was 9. We have been friends across 2 countries, at least 8 states, 8 degrees, and now 2 babies! BFFs getting better with age!!

Canada, Eh

At the beginning of August, the Murrays and a Grammy loaded up and headed to Canada. In the middle of the night. Why so late you ask? Miss Em is delightful and charming and the light of our lives, but not always in the car. Although driving through the night isn't exactly anyones idea of fun, it beats the snot out of driving for 11 hours with a screaming baby.

The trip went well, the food was great, and the company was indescribable. Here are a few pics - in no particular order.