Wilson's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Emma's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

13 September 2009

Going home!

Getting home was quite the adventure. . . Daddy went to put bags in the car and get the car seat and came back with the car seat - the whole car seat. He didn't know how to detach it from the base. Then he went back out to install the car seat and came back with the base. . . He'd forgotten the keys (and the manual). Then it was time to figure out the heck to get her in that thing and after a bit of negotiation (and a consult with a nurse), mommy was right and we got her in. It was such a strange feeling to be wheeled out with a baby after having been wheeled in to the postpartum ward with her in my arms just a few days before.


Emma in her going home outfit - it looks a lot like our wedding invitations and I LOVE it!

Not so sure about this carseat deal

But she settled in for the ride

Last family moment in the hospital

Ready to roll! Getting home - daddy was dealing with the crazy dogs

Dog #1 got to meet her first while dog #2 was taken to burn off some energy

In her room for the first time

1 comment:

  1. Hank! Can you believe you have a baby?!?! Way to be a great welcoming committee! Emma is super lucky to have you. ;o) I also love the family photos at the hospital--Katie, Steve, Emma, you guys are adorable.
