Wilson's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Emma's Birthday Countdown

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

05 March 2009

We made it!

To the 2nd trimester that is! Today is the day. My doctor explained to me that the 5th of each month will mark the end of that month of pregnancy, and since my baby's due in the 9th month, it makes it really easy. So today, 3-5, is officially the end of the 3rd month and the start of the 2nd trimester. Welcome to it baby! Time to grow even more and stop making mommy sick! (Still going strong with that record although last night I thought I pushed the envelop a little too far. . .)

And here's a picture for this week. I think it looks smaller, but maybe not. I am still able to fasten my jeans and not need my band, although yesterday I wore it after I took the picture because a belt was uncomfortable and I didn't trust them to keep themselves up. :o)

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